1. Murdoch Jones Realty is committed to complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act, 1988 and the associated Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
2. We are bound by the APPs either as a consequence of being an organisation with an annual turnover of more than $3 million or due to the fact that we derive a benefit, service or advantage by the collection or disclosure of information and opinions about individuals whose identity is apparent or can be ascertained.
3. We will not collect personal information unless it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of our functions or activities.
4. Our designated Privacy Officer is:
Name: Debbie Jones
Email: admin@murdochjonesrealty.com.au
Telephone: 9397 0671
5. We, through our Privacy Officer, are happy to provide further details as to the extent to which we are required to comply with the APPs should any person wish. Alternatively, further details of the obligations imposed upon organisations under Australia’s privacy laws can be obtained directly from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (Commissioner) or by reference to the APPs and the Commissioner’s associated guidelines at www.oaic.gov.au.
6. The type of personal information held by us includes the following:
7. This real estate agency collects personal information:
8. We hold the information referred to above for the purpose of enabling us to conduct the services that we provide to our customers, sellers, buyers, lessors and tenants, to enable us to market the provision of those services and to conduct our business. In particular:
7. It is likely that we will disclose personal information to overseas recipients (eg data storage services), when that disclosure is consistent with the purpose set out above.
8. The countries associated with the overseas recipients are, potentially, as follows:
9. Information that is stored by us about an individual is stored in a reasonable state of security.
10. Pursuant to the APPs, persons have certain rights to obtain access to personal information held by us with respect to that individual. Subject to the relevant exemptions contained in the APPs and subject to an individual providing sufficient proof of his or her identity this real estate agency will provide access to information that it holds relating to an individual. This real estate agency reserves the right to charge a fee for the provision of this information based on the administrative cost of supplying the information requested. Further details as to these costs and the ability to access information held by us can be obtained by contacting our Privacy Officer.
11. This real estate agency requests, for the purposes of clarity, that any requests for access to personal information be made in writing addressed to the agency's Privacy Officer.
12. We will generally provide access to information by providing to the individual concerned copies of relevant documents. Where, for reasons of volume or otherwise, providing copies of documents is not practical, we will make arrangements for the individual concerned to attend at our offices to carry out a physical inspection.
13. Wherever possible, we will provide copies of documents or access to the information that we hold with respect to an individual within 14 days of the receipt of the relevant request. In the case of more complex requests we will endeavour to provide access to the information within a period of 30 days.
14. If individuals believe that information held relating to them is incorrect they are entitled to request, by contacting our Privacy Officer, that we correct that information.
15. Should we believe that we are entitled to refuse a request to access information or to make corrections we will provide written reasons for our decision.
16. If you are dissatisfied with the manner in which we deal with your personal information or should you wish to make a compliant regarding our compliance with privacy laws, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing.
17. Should any person wish to obtain further information with respect to the type of personal information we hold, the purposes for which we use that information and/or the way in which we manage that information, please contact our Privacy Officer at the contact details set out above.
18. This document sets our current privacy policy. This policy will be reviewed from time to time and will be maintained in an up-to-date form. Any changes to this policy will be posted on the relevant section of our website.